Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Logo Design Where To Start

Logo Design Where To Start How to Create Your Own Logo ChaptersWhat Does a Logo Do? Characteristics of a Successful LogoHow Do I Create a Logo?What Software Should I Use to Create a Logo?  Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Famous Logos?Designers and graphic artists are always being asked to create logos for their clients. This task might seem simple at first glance, but it’s actually a long and rigorous process. Designing a logo is very different from other types of art.Creative without strategy is called 'art.' Creative with strategy is called 'advertising.' - Jef L. Richards â€" professor of American advertisingDo you want to learn to draw a logo but don’t know where to start?Discover all the necessary steps in the creative process and mistakes to avoid so that you can design a logo which will stand out and make a difference.A logo design shouldn’t just be attractive â€" it must also have a meaning and be memorable and recognisable to everyone. The graphic design of a professional logo leaves nothing up to chance! FernandoDrawing T eacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Does a Logo Do?Logos are indispensable! After all, a logo is the visual or corporate identity, the branding of a company. It is an image that connects the company to its target audienceWithout saying much at all, this little picture, the company logo, allows the consumer to identify not only the company name, but also its product and culture.A good logo needs to convey a message, and this forms the basis of all visual communication.The colours of the logo will usually follow a scheme which will branch across all communication platforms and media related to the company, such as business cards, letterheads, flyers, websites, and brochures.So to put it simply, a company’s logo is a crucial and integral part of all of its marketing and communications. It allows the general public to identify a company and its characteristics at a glance, and lets them build the ink with the company’s values as well.Logos have an important impact on the public â€" so much so that there is even a board game which is entirely dedicated to them! Children are often really good at this game, which is proof that images have a real impact and can remain in the collective unconscious at a very young age.Characteristics of a Successful LogoA logo must be simple, easily memorable and adaptable to different formats. Photo on VisualHunt.comDesigning a logo shouldn’t be left up to chance â€" it should consciously meet several essential criteria to perform its purpose.Before you get started with creating your image to represent your company, it is important to keep in mind your company objectives and values when you make your initial sketches.A logo must be uniqueThe is obviously your starting point. The logo must be your own creation, something truly original. If it looks like another logo, it will confuse its audience and you might even be accused of plagiarism. So yes, you’ve got to show some originality when creating a logo â€" a bit like designing a tattoo!A logo must be timelessWatch out for fashion trends that will pass quickly. A logo must be designed to last and be throughout time. Even though it can be modified if necessary as the business evolves, it must retain its graphic identity â€" which is why it needs such careful consideration in its conception.A logo must be simpleA logo must be easily remembered, as it’s only meant to be seen very quickly. The idea is to identify the company at just a glance. If a logo is too complicated with too many levels of reading or detail, it will not fulfil its function.A logo must be legible in black and whiteBecause the logo of a company is not always reproduced in full colour, it’s important that it remains legible even in black and white or duotone. Be careful with gradients and shades of colours that may make the logo unusable in black and white.A logo must catch the eyeA logo should not go unnoticed - it needs to catch the eye and draw us in. This is one of the biggest challenges when creating a logo. Finding the colours and the graphics that will have an impact on the public is a central part of the thought process.A logo must adapt to all mediaA logo must remain visible and readable regardless of the medium it’s integrated in. Have you ever noticed small logos printed at the bottom of posters? Some stand out and are easily identifiable, whereas others become almost non-existence. Experimen t with different media to make sure your logo works flexibly.You could also follow our guide to drawing anime and manga if that's more your style. FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Do I Create a Logo?Before launching straight into the creative phase, you’ll need to have a serious think about the main elements that will characterise the logo.The creation and reflection stages are essential to the design p rocess. Photo on Visualhunt.comOnce you’ve done this, you’ll need to draft out some versions of your logo and compare them to see how these elements work best.The reflection phase of designing a logoThere are some important specifications when approaching logo elements. A logo can be hardly or quite detailed, depending on your design, but it’s important to look at the essential features of the business to help you in this decision.It is also useful to have a look at the competition in your field or market so that you can make your logo stand out among the rest.The most important points to remember when creating a new visual identity are:Choosing a colour schemeEach colour has a meaning, and so the choice of colour is often used to represent the activity of the company or the sector in which it operates (green is commonly used for ecology and nature, for example). Colour is also a great way to catch the eye and convey a message.Integrating the company name in the logoThis is a choice that needs to be made, as it’s completely up to the designer’s own taste. Some brands are able to transmit their identity in their logo without having to mention the name of the brand, like Apple’s iconic apple, for example.Deciding whether or not to add text to the logoIn many cases, multiple versions of a logo are created, with or without a baseline, according to their use. In some circumstances, a logo might require some additional text, whereas in others just the image will suffice. In all cases, the images must be coherent and the company identifiable.The format and direction of the logoYou need to think about the length and height of the image, and whether it will be round or square in shape, for example.The font used for text Try to use original typography if possible, to make the logo as unique as possible. A well-chosen font will transmit essential information about the company clearly to its audience.In businesses, brainstorming is a commonly used method of as king the right questions, determining ideas and making the first steps towards development, and it’s just as good a method when drawing too. You can try different ideas the main image   - as a comic book figure, an abstract design, or even just letters.To find inspiration it’s also important to do some research and look into the world of graphic design.First sketches of a logoWhen we talk about the first sketches, it’s because the creation phase begins with just a pencil and a free hand. You’ll start placing your different elements together and rework them in several sketches until you find what works.When it comes to creating a logo, remember that the first idea you draw will probably not be the final product.Why? Simply because the first idea is often too conditioned, and doesn’t have enough originality. Once you’ve experimented a bit, your logo will become more unique and original.The first ideas that come to your mind are the same as most people’s. In other words, it’s important to move away from these ideas and refine them in order for your own graphic design to be distinctive.It’s not an easy task conveying one or more messages in just a single image. Every detail counts. And that’s what makes a logo powerful. Colour, typography, format, text, negative space â€" each element must serve a purpose and build a message to reflect the company.Graphic design is all about elements working in harmony, including shape, proportion and symmetry â€" a bit like drawing a face or a hand.Some logos are directly inspired by the Fibonacci sequence - the famous golden ratio, or the divine proportion. This is the case for logos such as Apple, BP, Pepsi and National Geographic, for example.During the creation phase, it is important to take a step back. Leave your work to one side and come back to it later with a fresh eye. The project will mature naturally and new ideas will emerge.Every graphic designer has their own methods to find inspiration. Photo o n VisualhuntFinalising your logoA logo only becomes a logo when all the elements mentioned above come together in an overall harmony.Graphic designers know this well having studied various forms and experimenting with different models â€" graphic design can’t be improvised.The attention to detail from a professional perspective will certainly be different to that of a typical person, but if the harmony of a logo isn’t perfect then it won’t attract the attention of a typical person, which is what a logo should do.  Whether you use a creative agency, a graphic studio or a freelance graphic designer to create your logo, one thing is for sure: a professional will be able to explain their creation and justify their choices.In all cases, a logo must be submitted to several people before being validated. Everyone will have a different perception, which will help you make any necessary adjustments and finalise the perfect logo.Why not try your hand at drawing a 3D logo for your compa ny?What Software Should I Use to Create a Logo?  Logo design is a creative endeavour that can’t be rushed or improvised. For this reason, many people like to use software to help them create the perfect logo.You can easily find online logo design sites that let you easily create a logo in just a few clicks. For sites like this you don’t need any specific knowledge of graphics, or even how to use a logo generator, as it’s all so simple to navigate.Is this really the right solution?  A company’s logo is made to withstand time and to make a lasting impression. That’s why it’s so critical to create a professional and high-quality logo which will stand out and catch people’s attention. It’s not enough to just browse image libraries and add a name!When creating a logo, it’s also crucial to make sure that it can work in all possible formats in order to be applicable to different media too. Creatives tend to use Adobe Illustrator, a vector graphics software specifically fo r creating logos, icons, drawings and typography.If you’re looking for a free graphic design software, Gimp is perfect for your needs.Photoshop is an image editing software that works with a grid and pixilation system that doesn’t quite offer the same possibilities as specific graphic design software does. Vector drawing software can reduce and enlarge images in high definition without losing quality.Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Famous Logos?To finish up, let’s do a little test and see if you can find the hidden messages in some examples of famous logos that we all see on a daily basis.Logos transmit all sorts of messages, but some of them are hidden - even in the ones we think we know! Photo by Superprof.Toblerone: a bear hides in the mountain, in reference to the emblem of Bern, the Swiss city where the chocolate is made.The Tour de France: do you see the stylised cyclist? It’s in the letters O, U, and R and the front wheel of the bike is the orange circle.FedEx: an arr ow is hidden between the E and the X, in the negative space of the logo.Carrefour  : Here again we can see that the C for Carrefour appears in the negative space of the logo.Continental: The C and the O form a wheel in black and white.PMU  : You can see the horse at the front of the logo, but can you see the punter brandishing his ticket? Look a bit closer at the green shape in the white horse.And now it’s up to you to find your inspiration and get started!Some drawing classes might help you to get your creative juices flowing. Find a drawing class london.

Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Things Only Guitar Players Understand

10 Things Only Guitar Players Understand Megan L. Do you know the secrets of  being a guitar player? Check out this list by guitar teacher Jessica D. and let us know if you can relate Psst. Hey youâ€"guitar playerâ€"you may not know it, but you’re actually an elite member in a group of very special peopleâ€"people who play the guitar. Sure, there are a lot of us out there, but there are still many others of all ages who are mystified by our moves, flummuxed by our finger work and down right impressed with our axes. They look from the outside in, thinking, “Maybe, one day…” but then somehow life, work, and other interests kept  their guitar dreams from coming true. Thus, they think that a fret is to worry about an accidentally unpaid bill, their favorite jam is blueberry, and the fact that you can actually play “Freebird” makes you a rock genius. Here are some other things that only guitar players understand 1. The Value of a Guitar At a flea market or a yard sale, a non-guitar player might see a sweet acoustic dreadnought priced at $200 and think, “Wow, what a steal!” But the truth is, you can get a used or even a brand new guitar online for somewhere in the $50 range. Meanwhile, the same non-guitar player might wonder why that 1960’s Martin Guitar is hanging up at Guitar Center for $10,000. The bottom line is, it doesn’t matter if you’re playing a used classical guitar or a new Taylor. If you love playing guitar, you are happy to have one in your hands, no matter what the value is. 2. How To Pronounce Yngwie Malmsteen (Skip to 8:28 in video) This cat is incredible in his way, and most people who are serious about playing guitar have at least heard of him, and can usually, mostly correctly pronounce his name (depending on who you ask, it’s “Ing-vay” or “Ying-vie” Maahlm-steen). Seeing him live in concert is similar to a religious experience to some guitarists. But if you’re really a pro, you know the truth: he’s a dude who spent a lot of time practicing his scales, and with time and practice, anyone can do what he does, even a 15 year old girl. which leads us to… 3. There Are a  Lot of Dope Female Guitar Players Out There Some people think that guitar is a fella’s game, but there are many straight up incredibly talented female shredders out there. Professional guitarists know their names: Carrie Brownstein, Joni Mitchell, Jennifer Batten, Nancy Wilson, Joan Jett, Orianthi, Lita Ford, PJ Harvey, Bonnie Raitt, Marnie Stern, St. Vincent, Kaki King, more recently Taylor Swift and Tina S, the list literally goes on and on. Anyone who thinks that “guitar isn’t for girls” is just living in the dark ages. 4. Fingernails Grow Like, REALLY Fast Guitarists notice this even more, because fretting with fingernails totally sucks. Serious guitarists are known to carry finger nail clippers in their guitar cases or pockets, or heck, just bite their nails off before a gig in a pinch. And the hard core ones just get manicuresâ€"all the time. Hold the fancy decals or rhinestones in the nail polish though; the steel strings of the guitar will  pull them right off. 5. Picks (for Strumming) Are for Suckers When most people pick up the guitar for the first time, they assume that a pick is a necessary accessory for rocking purposes. But the truth is, a pick distances you, literally, from your guitar. It takes you millimeters away from your strings, making things like finger picking and even just familiarizing yourself with the strings much more difficult. The pick, should you decide to include it in your regular rotation of guitar-tillery, should come later, young grasshopper. 7. Guitar players should really be called guitars players Because NO guitarist in the world has only one guitar. Sure, you start out with one, but one becomes two, becomes 10. Cat ladies don’t got nothin’ on us. At this writing, I believe I am the proud owner of 8 guitars and counting. If you live with a guitarist, be prepared to sacrifice space for that sweet guitar collection. In a pinch, you can always use a hardcase as a coffee table. Rock n’ roll! 8. Not all guitars are gigantic Just like shirts, shoes and hats, there are different sizes of guitars for different sized people. There are 7/8 and ¾ size guitars for those of us with more delicate frames, smaller hands or guitarists who just like to travel light. Fun fact: The ¾ and 7/8 size guitar, such as a baby Martin, fit overhead on a plane and work as a personal item. Checking guitars is for people with too much free time! Speaking of which… 9. Not all Martins cost a fortune The aforementioned baby Martins sell for less than $200 new, and did I mention, they fit overhead on a plane…? 10. People who make and fix guitars are called luthiers And they are pretty much across the board awesome. My local luthier is a Spanish hippy who grows herbs in his windowsill and fixes my guitars for tips. Not to mention, he builds about a guitar a week using reclaimed wood, found garbage instruments and old parts out of various handtools. Can anyone say life skill? Luthier classes are very rare and quite expensive, so if you get a chance to learn from a luthier or take a class at a lesser rate, DO IT! And there you have it, 10 things that only guitarists understand. What did I miss? Post Author: Jessica D. Jessica D. is a guitar, ukulele, singing, and songwriting instructor in New York, New York. Learn more about Jessica here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Ten Best Dutch Podcasts Targeted To Dutch Learners

Ten Best Dutch Podcasts Targeted To Dutch Learners Want To Learn Dutch With The Help Of Podcasts? ChaptersLearn Dutch Online With These PodcastsFind The Best Way To Learn Dutch For YouThere are lots of different reasons why you might already be learning Dutch, or why you’re thinking about taking up the language.Whether you’re new to learning a foreign language or have near fluency in Dutch, one of the most reassuring things to know is that learning Dutch will allow you to communicate with a community of around 20 million native speakers worldwide. That's a huge pool of potential people to speak with!In addition, you'll also find Dutch helpful to learn as a language if you're planning on heading over to the Netherlands, whether that's for study, business, or leisure purposes.Happily, if you know that Dutch is a language you'd like to learn, there are a lot of different learning resources available to people looking to learn Dutch. For instance:There are a wide variety of websites that offer lessons to help people improve their Dutch;Lots of language learning apps now have Dutc h courses as part of their offering; andThere are also ways to learn Dutch offline, whether that’s through a personal tutor or through a group workshop.Another way that some people find useful to learn Dutch is to regularly listen to podcasts either related to learning Dutch or life in the Netherlands. Podcasts are a great learning tool, not least because they don't take much time to listen to, and you can listen to podcasts on the go. So whether you want to listen to a podcast at home, or fancy passing the time while you're on public transport, you can easily tune in and listen to a podcast or two.Find Dutch language courses you can take online.If you learn Dutch online you might learn more about life in the Netherlands. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay)Learning how to introduce yourself and count from one to ten.Although this podcast is not likely to be of much help to anyone who has any prior experience learning Dutch, if you are completely new to the langu age this could be a good way to ease yourself into learning some common words and phrases, and hopefully will encourage you to learn more about the language once you’ve finished the last podcast.Laura speaks DutchThe last Laura Speaks Dutch podcast was released over nine years ago, but that doesn’t mean that the lessons within the podcasts aren’t still helpful to those learning the Dutch language.There are over 50 podcasts in total, which all cover a range of different topics. What’s more, the podcasts generally seem to sit between the 10 to 20-minute mark, meaning that it’s not a huge time commitment to listen to a podcast or two daily.Zeg Het In Het Nederlands (Say It In Dutch)This podcast relatively new compared to some of the others on this list, as it only launched back in March 2018. However, Zeg het in het Nederlands is a podcast aimed at Dutch learners, where Dutch is spoken a bit slower than you’d ordinarily hear to help Dutch learners understand the podcast mor e fully.The podcasts aren’t too long, usually under 20 minutes, which makes it a great resource to practice your Dutch listening skills either:While you’re on the go; orIf you’re short on time.You can also learn Dutch and have fun with these Dutch learning online games.SBS DutchSBS has a wonderful range of radio programmes in different languages, and as part of that offering is the SBS Radio Dutch programme. It offers a variety of different short stories that are spoken in Dutch, with most episodes coming in at 5 to 15 minutes long â€" perfect for a quick catch up on the latest Dutch news, and a good way to practice your listening skills.Dutch podcasts can be a time-efficient way to improve your level of Dutch. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, maurosegura, Pixabay)To Speak DutchThis podcast series by Frank van Rooijen ended back in 2012, but the lessons within each podcast can still be of help to anyone learning Dutch. While the podcasts cover topics such as learning useful phrases tha t you might use during your travels to the Netherlands or when speaking to a Dutch native speaker, other topics are covered as well, such as:Counting;Verb conjugation; andAsking for and giving directions, among other things.The podcasts can be found on iTunes.Echt GebeurdPerhaps a podcast for the more advanced Dutch learner, Echt Gebeurd has a series of podcasts in which people tell particularly funny or unique stories that actually happened. While a lot of the podcasts are short and sweet, coming in around ten minutes in length, others are slightly longer, coming closer to 20 minutes.If you’re looking for a way to practice your Dutch listening skills, then this podcast can be a great help, particularly if you’re time constrained.Dutch NewsThis is an English-speaking podcast that provides a round-up of the latest news in the Netherlands. The podcasts are a little longer than others in this list, with many coming in at over thirty minutes, but if you’re looking for a resource t o keep up to date with Dutch news then you could give this podcast a go.Here In HollandHere in Holland is a podcast by Andy Clark about life in the Netherlands. It’s an English-speaking podcast, so while it may not be a great podcast to use when it comes to learning the Dutch language, it is a useful resource for anyone wanting to know about what life in the Netherlands is like, particularly if you’re not from the Netherlands yourself.Actual FluencyThe final podcast on this list is a bit different, as it isn’t specifically designed for Dutch speakers or Dutch learners.Instead, this podcast is aimed at anyone learning a language, who wants to keep abreast of topics within the wider world of learning languages, and who may also be looking for some inspiration when it comes to learning a language of their choice.There are over 100 podcasts on offer, which can be accessed through iTunes, Sticher, or Actual Fluency’s website. So if you’re finding it difficult to stay motivated when learning Dutch, it might be worth tuning into a podcast or two to see whether you’re inspired to continue your learning journey.Check out some Dutch lessons London that you can take online.You can learn Dutch online, for example through Dutch podcasts or perhaps with the help of a tutor. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, qimono, Pixabay)Find The Best Way To Learn Dutch For YouPodcasts can be a great way to learn Dutch. For example, if you’re a beginner, then regularly listening to a Dutch podcast aimed at beginners can help teach you basic words and phrases, as well as how to count in Dutch and how to conjugate basic verbs.Even if you’re an intermediate or advanced Dutch speaker, there is still a lot that Dutch podcasts can offer. Namely, listening to the news in Dutch, or listening to a podcast in Dutch, can be a great way to practise your listening skills, and may even teach you a new noun or verb along the way.Of course, if you do ever find yourself getting stuck when learning D utch, or would like some extra help when it comes to a particular Dutch grammatical topic or how to pronounce certain words, you could also look at getting your own Dutch tutor, through a site such as Superprof.A Dutch tutor can give you the motivation you need to continue to improve your proficiency in Dutch, and can also be a great way to practise your Dutch speaking skills, especially if your tutor is a native Dutch speaker. So whether you're concerned about how best to learn Dutch grammar, or want some additional suggestions as to how to improve your range of Dutch vocabulary, a tutor could help you improve your understanding of Dutch.By entering your postcode, you’ll be able to see which Dutch tutors are available for either in-person or remote tuition near to you.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Are MCAT Prep Courses Worth It

Are MCAT Prep Courses Worth It Amy W Dec 14, 2018 Find a Top Rated MCAT Tutor Near You! It's Simple and Secure - Get Real Results Fast. Find Expert Private Tutors at Reasonable Rates Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson Are MCAT prep courses worth it? Well, like so many things in life, that depends.   It depends on you and your motivation as well as the type and quality of the course that you choose to take. The MCAT, or Medical College Admission Test, is one of the most grueling standardized tests a student will come across. The Best MCAT Prep Course Review What is the MCAT? The exam is required to gain access into virtually every medical school in the United States and most medical schools in Canada, therefore it may come as no surprise that prepping for the MCAT should be your top priority. Enrolling in an MCAT course is one way to ensure you adequately prepared and ready for whatever may be on the exam this year. The problem is, there are many types of courses available, how do you know which one is the best. And at quite a price, are MCAT prep courses worth it? This article will help you understand the MCAT and why enrolling in a prep course may be a good idea for you. While most standardized tests are know for their uniqueness and difficulty, the MCAT is on anther level above the rest! The test itself is administered over 7.5 hours, making it physically exhausting and extremely mentally draining. It is a multiple choice test (this doesn’t make it any easier) that tests applicants on the skills and knowledge required in medical school and when practicing medicine. The content of the tests covers four sections; Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills A score is given for each section, and the scores are added together to provide a total score that is reported around six or seven weeks after completion of the test. Test Preparation Resources There are many test preparation tools available to students to help get ready for the MCAT, some are free and some come at a cost. Naturally, you want to prepare the best way possible, so how do you know if the free resources are reliable or if the paid MCAT prep courses are worth it? Some high quality, legitimate resources include; Official MCAT practice exams, section bank, flashcards, and sample tests. These are available from the AAMC website, produced by the Association of American Medical Colleges. The Khan Academy MCAT Collection is free and easily accessible to use. Speaking with students who have sat the MCAT is also worthwhile. It will give you an indication of how much time you need to prepare and you can learn from other people’s mistakes!   In addition, some of those that have taken it already might be willing to spend a little time with you preparing for your exam. It certainly doesnt hurt to ask! Using a qualified MCAT tutor. Private Tutoring at Home is an easy way to find a certified tutor in your area, one that can tailor-make study sessions to suit your needs and help you achieve your goals. While a tutor isn’t free, they usually cost a lot less than courses and can offer personalized sessions geared towards what and where you need the help and to spend the time. MCAT prep courses are often detailed and high quality. Some of the popular ones are Kaplan MCAT course and the Princeton Review MCAT prep course. They vary in delivery and cost, but there are plenty of options out there. Keep reading to find out more about these courses. MCAT Prep Courses: The Details There are many, many, many MCAT Prep courses available to prospective test takers. Naturally, the people that create these courses would like students to participate and will happily give a ton of reasons and reviews as to why theirs is the best. This guide takes an objective view on the types of courses available, allowing you to make an informed decision and get the best results possible. Let’s look at the type and style of MCAT Prep courses that are available; Self-Paced Prep Courses â€" these are ideal if you need flexibility! Students are given an array of materials and a rough agenda to follow. The course is completed at a pace that suits the individual. The down side to self-paced prep courses is that they require a high level of independent motivation and the ability to manage time effectively. While the structure and content of the course is provided, each student will have to identify their own weaknesses â€" something that can be difficult to do for even the most dedicated students. Some self-paced courses offer customized content to help cater for individual needs, so if you choose this kind of course, look out for adaptable ones. Live Online Prep Courses â€" if you like the idea of guided classes, but are unable to attend a physical class, then live online courses are a great option. You still have to commit to the set study schedule, but can do so from the comfort of your own home. This saves time traveling to and from class, as well as needing to carry books and resources with you. The key to a good live online MCAT prep course lies with the quality of teaching. They must be engaging and offer help and guidance both in and out of set class times, as well as providing resources and extra materials to help you make the most of your ‘out-of-class’ study time. In-Person Prep Courses â€" for a more traditional approach to MCAT prep, opt for in-person courses. These allow for plenty of interaction and discussion with not only instructors, but with fellow test-takers as well. The teacher should offer direct guidance and provide assistance when and where it is needed. The fact that you have allocated and structured study time is a bonus, especially if you lack the internal motivation to get studying, but you also need to spend time outside of class studying too. Make sure your course instructor is able to provide extra study materials as well as being on hand to answer questions and queries in between classes. Intensive Prep Courses â€" intensive courses are great for those with limited study time and the ability to work well under pressure and time constraints. These courses are also great for those who want a strong boost of knowledge and skills. They are often of incredibly high quality, but are so time consuming that you won’t be able to fit much more into your schedule. Intensive prep courses can also be expensive, but if you have the time and the money, they may just be worth it. The best MCAT prep course for you will depend on several factors: Your individual learning style Available time Budget And strengths and weaknesses all play a part in deciding what approach will suit you best. So… Are MCAT Prep Courses Worth It? MCAT prep courses are costly, there’s no way around that fact. For some, the cost may be just too much to bear, with time and money better spent using free tools (there are plenty of them), spending a small sum on prep books and official practice tests, or enlisting the help of a tutor at a fraction of the cost. If you are basically motivated and organized, you may not need to invest your cash in these courses. However, if you need structure in your study schedule and allocated class time to ensure you prepare, then MCAT prep courses will be incredibly useful. Equally, if you can spare the funds, you have nothing to lose. The large sum is a small drop in the ocean in order to give yourself the best preparation possible, ensuring academic success and the results on the test that you need this year. The best MCAT prep course is only going to make sense if youre willing to put the time and energy into it.   Nothing beats good ole fashioned effort and thats what getting good scores on tests like this require.   If you are willing to put the time in, then its likely that youll get a score that makes you happy and be one step closer to getting into medical school. Good luck!We can help you find the best private tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee: You don't pay for tutoring unless you find a good fit. Choose Your Subject â€" Add Your Zip Code â€" Find Top Rated Tutors Starting Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson

How Can AJ Help Me After College

How Can AJ Help Me After College AJ Tutoring may be best known for its work with high school students, but that’s certainly not the extent of our competency! We work with students of all ages, and some of our most exciting work is done with clients looking to further their education beyond the undergraduate level.We work with many students who are looking to obtain degrees in law, business, medicine, or an academic subject. Admission to these programs is driven by some of the most challenging (yet coachable!) exams out there, and AJ Tutoring is unique in its level of experience and expertise in these tests.Please find a link to our graduate school entrance exam tutoring page here, or read on to find a breakdown of our approach to the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, and MCAT.If you’d like to discuss your specific needs and how AJ Tutoring can help, please contact us!GRE/GMATThe most common kind of work AJ Tutoring does beyond the undergraduate level is preparation for the GRE, the most common entrance exam for MA and PhD progra ms. There are three major portions of the test Math, Verbal, and Essays.  The math often causes students particular stress because of it’s infamous ‘quantitative comparisons’ section, which many students have no experience with; fortunately, that’s also the section we’ve found most dramatically impacted by having a solid strategy and a little practice! We have taken the strongest parts of our SAT program: breaking the test into question types, working on specific strategies for each question type, reviewing the most common content, and combining tutoring time with homework and practice tests?and applied them to the GRE. Our GRE program is fully customizable; we generally meet students for 10 sessions, but can do more or fewer and still get great results! Most students come to use needing to review a few math concepts, especially the quantitative comparisons, as well as to get some guidance on a good approach to the verbal sections. We also have found great success with t he essays, helping students work on brainstorming strong ideas quickly, organizing them in a logical fashion, and turning them into powerful thesis statements, all in limited time! The GMAT is a similar test specifically designed for entering MBA programs. However, more and more business schools are accepting the GRE as well as the GMAT, and our experience has been that the GRE is generally more coachable and easier to achieve score improvements on, so we generally suggest that students who are ready to do tutoring focus on the GRE unless their schools require the GMAT. LSAT The LSAT is the test taken by prospective law school candidates to gain admission to law school. Although it is considered by many to be a very challenging exam, it is highly coachable. Preparation typically consists of 10 tutoring sessions, with the first 6 sessions consisting of learning and honing strategies for attacking all sections of the test (logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, and reading comprehe nsion). The remaining 4 sessions are spent reviewing practice tests taken as homework. All practice tests and other materials are included in the cost of tutoring. As with all test preparation at AJ, our LSAT curriculum is customized for each students needs, and those who have already completed some preparation can choose how many sessions they would like to have and what sections to focus on in those sessions.MCATThe MCAT is taken by applicants to MD and DO programs, and a students score on the MCAT represents an important portion of their application.  The MCAT is an often-feared assessment due to its depth and breadth: it covers several years of college-level science curricula, and reading comprehension and analytical skills.  Since students start their MCAT preparation from a wide variety of backgrounds, we first help students create a customized approach for independent content review. Throughout the preparation, we hold students accountable for their content review and an swer necessary questions about key concepts.  The focus of most tutoring sessions, however, is on the best practice materials available?those from AAMC, the writers of the MCAT. By diving into detailed analyses of these question packs and full-length practice tests, our students make good strides in understanding difficult material and using solid test-taking techniques.  Unlike most MCAT tutoring services, AJ Tutoring supports each student with a single MCAT expert. This allows the tutor to gain a thorough understanding of a students thought processes, and help them efficiently and effectively on all portions of the exam. We recommend 12-16 tutoring sessions spread over 3-5 months to complete a full prep for the MCAT.  However, we understand that not all students schedules or needs fit a single package, and were happy to make adjustments to the number and focus of sessions on an individual basis.Career AdvancementAJ Tutoring also has experience in helping our clients prepare for difficult interviews, especially interviews that involve quantitative calculations or estimation, working through case studies, or other performance based interviews. We are also always adding to the list of professional exams we can assist with! If we have the qualified staff, we will work with clients to create prep plans that help them maximize their chances of getting the job or promotion they are looking for!

5 Benefits of Developing Great Teamwork

5 Benefits of Developing Great Teamwork 5 Benefits of Developing Great Teamwork Working as a team is something that every student will have to do throughout their K-12 experience and promotes valuable skills that will help them conquer college and career. For the most part, students are graded based on their abilities, and so they sometimes get frustrated when they work as a team. Alternately, some students love working with peers especially those with similar interests and abilities. Either way, developing great teamwork is one of the best ways students can be successful in a practical environment. 1.   Practice for the future Once students finish their education and go out into the working world, they will work as part of a team on a regular basis. Students who develop these skills early are likely to be more successful when they get out into the real world. Many teachers assign group projects so that students have the opportunity to work on this skill during the early and middle grades. Getting along with different personality types is one of the best ways to achieve a complex goal and meet important deadlines in either school or career. 2. Sharing responsibility Students who develop great teamwork can split up tasks and play to their set of strengths. This allows members of the group to help each other out and share responsibility so that they can finish a particular assignment or reach the desired goal. Teamwork isn’t just for group assignments, in fact, students might want to start a club, organize a community service project, or help plan a field trip. When students work together, they can achieve more with less individual effort (READ: Costa Mesa Tutoring Tips: Improve Your Studying Skills Over the Summer). 3. Communication Working as part of a team also helps kids learn how to communicate effectively and will help them out in every part of their lives. Communication skills are essential in the K-12 environment but will also encourage success in the working world as well as student’s personal lives. There are so many instances where clear communication can resolve a conflict with classmates or friends, but most kids need to work on these issues before finding the right words to say. Kids who can communicate well tend to do better in school, have more friends and be able to ask for help more easily. 4. Personal encouragement When students work as part of a team, they also encourage each other to be successful and focus on important study habits that will help them throughout their education. Kids who work as a team can help each other with academics, be great role models for each other, and provide a peer support system when students start to become overwhelmed with homework assignments or test prep. Once students get into the college prep years, personal encouragement will become more important than ever as students persevere through this stressful but important time in their education. 5. Group projects Students who develop great teamwork skills will also be successful when it comes to group assignments. Many teachers want to see how well their students can work together and will assign points based on good teamwork. Teachers want to see that students can get along and share responsibility rather than just be successful when working as an individual. Every student will have the opportunity to complete a group assignment all the way from first grade through the end of college. Whether students are working as part of a team to complete a 2nd-grade science project or getting together with classmates to organize a brand new college level club, teamwork is a helpful skill that propels students towards success. Build your social and team-working skills with the help of a private Los Angeles academic tutor from TutorNerds. Call us today to learn about our special Los Angeles summer tutoring deals. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at pr@tutornerds.com for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

What to Order In from Delivery in These 4 Situations

What to Order In from Delivery in These 4 Situations Image via. https://pixabay.com/photos/food-japanese-asian-bowl-dish-eat-715542/ Finals Week Food Delivery You probably just cringed while reading the two words “finals week;” I know I did. When people are eating during finals, they tend to go one of two ways: (1) they forget to eat and end up not eating enough throughout the day/week, or (2) they eat constantly throughout studying without ever actually feeling satisfied. On college campuses, many local restaurants also provide delivery deals and food deals so that delivery is not as expensive as it normally would be. However, if you split up the delivery fee and food price between multiple people, the price goes down substantially. If you want some sense of normalcy during finals week, plan out your food deliveries to your 12-hour days at the library. Let’s start with lunch delivery. I know a pizza sounds delicious, but if you have hours of studying ahead of you, I would opt for something that won’t make you feel as sluggish. For lunch, order either a salad, a smoothie bowl, a grain bowl, a sandwich, etc. Make sure that whatever you decide on you get some form of protein in it so that you feel full and aren’t tempted to make another delivery order an hour later. In your lunch order, make sure you get some extra items to snack on if you get, in the words of Jack Peralta in Brooklyn 99, “snackie.” When getting snacks delivered, I would go for the classics: potato chips, pita chips, granola bars, etc. However, depending on where you’re ordering from, the restaurant may have some specialty items that are great for snacking as well. One of my favorite finals snacks that I would get delivered along with my lunch was a yogurt parfait and a vegan banana bread that tasted so delicious I always wished that I ordered more than one piece. Snacks, in my opinion, aren’t always used to satiate hunger, rather, I used them to help me focus while going over a long study guide. Finally, dinner. Dinner is so important and, since you remained relatively healthy during the stay, allow yourself to splurge and treat yourself a bit. Depending on where you’re located, options might be different, but most places have a restaurant that delivers pizza and pasta. Finals week is essentially a marathon; and what do marathoners do before a big race? They carbo-load. Therefore, you need to carbo-load during dinner to have the energy to make it across the finish line. Image via. https://pixabay.com/photos/ice-ice-cream-ice-cream-flavors-1601932/ Break Up Food Delivery Whether you were broken up with, you did the breaking up, or the end of the relationship was mutual, a big part of your life has changed. This big change calls for some special food delivery. The hardest part of any breakup is getting adjusted to this new normal of not having this person in your life anymore. However, you need to let yourself grieve before getting back to a sense of normalcy, so let’s start with food delivery for that. I’m not trying to sound like a cliché, but ice-cream, popcorn, and pizza are essential, especially if your closest friends are sitting by your side helping you get through this tumultuous time. If you need to switch things up, Chinese food is also a FANTASTIC option; nothing like some fried rice and dumplings to get you through the harsh beginning of a breakup. Now that the hardest few days/weeks are over, it’s time to get back into routine and start taking care of your current number one priority: you. I’m not saying to get on any sort of health kick, unless you want to, I’m just saying to go back to some sort of regular eating schedule and eating practices that you considered regular pre-breakup. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in-between are essential to getting back into a routine. Let’s start with breakfast. If you still aren’t up to cooking, order in yourself a bagel with a side of fruit, or oatmeal, or a smoothie bowl (my mouth is watering as I write this). Eggs don’t deliver well, so avoid getting omelets or a BEC sandwich. As the saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Infographic by Amanda Cohen Lunch is important as well, and it’s important to surround yourself with good people during lunch to give you a boost during the day. So, what should you and your friends order while watching Netflix and chatting? Mediterranean food is always the answer. Chicken and beef skewer platters, rice, grilled vegetables, some hummus, baba ghanoush, and tzatziki, and some pita bread. This also works for dinner, but I suggest doing this for lunch because filling up your day prevents you from holing up in your room looking through old photos and making yourself sadder than you already are. Now that you are already conquering your breakup in the best way possible, its time for, “Winner, winner, chicken dinner.” You don’t actually have to have chicken for dinner, but definitely have something tasty and substantial. I have one word for you: sushi. Not only is sushi delicious, but it classes up your delivery experience. In addition, if you’re anything like me, you always want something sweet after having sushi, so you can use up the rest of your ben Jerry’s pint if Phish Food after going ham on your spicy tuna rolls and miso soup. Plus, if you order edamame, you will feel like the epitome of health, which is fantastic. Image via. https://pixabay.com/photos/friends-phone-bed-bite-a-vampire-1390679/ Girls Night In Food Delivery Unlike the two situations above, you only have two meals to think about during a girls night in: dinner and dessert. Let’s start with dinner. You can handle dinner one of two ways; you can either order in from one place and get a variety of dishes from there, or you can create a Smorgasbord of sorts and order from a variety of places. If you want to order from one place only, I suggest either Chinese, pizza, or Mediterranean. Chinese food is always large in portions, so you can order a variety of dishes and each have a little bit of everything (my personal favorite is sesame chicken, but you do you). Pizza is pretty straight forward, I would order multiple types of pizza pies, some salad, and a few pastas; don’t worry about over-ordering because pizza and pasta make for great leftovers. Finally, Mediterranean is great because you can usually get large platters from restaurants that have a variety of meats, vegetables, dips, and more! What to do for dessert? Here are some options. First, Get McDonald’s McFlurries delivered; they are already individually packed and they are excellent; definitely a fun splurge for a girl’s night. I prefer the Oreo McFlurry, but if you and your friends have differing opinions, no need to worry because everyone has a chance to order their flavor of choice! Another fun thing to order for dessert is a variety of cookies. Most places have an Insomnia Cookie or something along those same lines, and they usually deliver until very late hours of the night (and even into the morning). Order a dozen (or more) cookies, some ice-cream and either make some ice-cream sandwiches, which would be a fun girls night in activity, or you can just get the cookies and dunk them in some milk and re-create the Oreo commercials if you want. The world is truly your oyster! Image via. https://pixabay.com/photos/pizza-food-italian-baked-cheese-3007395/ Syllabus Week Food Delivery Syllabus week is super busy; reuniting with friends, meeting new people, preparing for classes, and a jam-packed social schedule. During this busy time, cooking and grocery shopping are the last things on your mind, so you have to take advantage of delivery. Since you’re so busy, you are going to want every meal to be quick, easy, and tasty. To avoid tons of delivery charges, place one order at lunch and order extra so that you have food already in your fridge for dinner. Since you are going to order ahead of time, you need to order food that saves well and has a longer shelf-life, so to speak. If you plan on doing a lot of partying, it is important to nourish your body with carbs and protein. Italian food is the easiest food to order that saves well and will fill you up. Italian food is so much more than pizza: order a few pasta dishes, some salad, maybe a chicken parmesan dish, and so on. You will feel full and have lunch and dinner for the next few days. The beauty of Italian food is that it also helps to ensure that you get in all your food groups because it’s both meat, carb, and vegetable based food. You have good food to keep you going, both physically and mentally, which is all you can really ask for during syllabus week. If you are planning on doing multiple deliveries, you could order in some Thai food or sushi to switch things up. However, don’t place any orders until you talk to your friends because maybe you will go for a big group order where the options are limitless. Your group orders can follow the guidelines of the girls night in order talked about above. You probably won’t need to worry about breakfast because you’re a college student and will rely mostly on easy-to-cook items and power bars. Now that you have all the food you can order for a variety of scenarios, here are the apps to download to ensure that you have access to the largest and most diverse restaurants you can think of: Door Dash Grubhub Seamless Caviar UberEATS Take Out Taxi Yelp Postmates Instacart Delivery.com Foodler GoPuff Now that you have all of the tools, let me tell you my personal opinion about what type of cuisines deliver the best and taste just as good when they are delivered as they do when you sit down at the restaurant: Chinese food Thai food Italian food Mediterranean food (with the exception of cooked fish) American food (with the exception of steak) Health food (i.e. salads and grain bowls) Other foods deliver well, but are not nearly as tasty as they are if you were to eat them sitting down at the restaurant, so this is just something to keep in mind. I hope this has helped you and can help you achieve all of your delivery dreams and desires. These suggestions are especially useful in the winter where leaving your apartment/house/dorm room is treacherous because of the frigid weather. If you are worried about spending too much money on delivery, make sure you sign up for e-mails from the various apps on your phone. I know the constant flood of messages may be annoying, but these apps often offer promotions, opportunities for free delivery, and they will send you lists of restaurants that are having the best deals on food. If you are a college student, these deals should appeal to you and you should be okay with the extra volume of e-mails trickling into your inbox. So, don’t stress when life hits you in ways that you couldn’t even imagine, because you now have one less thing to worry about: what you’re going to eat during those times where there are high levels of uncertainty.